Friday, November 8, 2013

Mr Parker cover work - Friday 8/11

Mr Parker sends his apologies - he is really not feeling well today. However, there is plenty of work for you to do in preparing for Assignment 2.

Next week, we will start planning our own films, posters and trailers. Before we do that, we need to know the key conventions of a film poster and trailer. For example:

Film poster: central image, tagline, release date etc.
Film trailer: dramatic shots, music, text on screen etc.

Your tasks today are as follows:

1) Research the key conventions of film posters and trailers and write a detailed blog post for each.

2) Next, choose three films to analyse. Find the poster and trailer for each film and complete a blog post with the following:

- The genre of the film
- The key conventions of the film poster
- The key conventions of the film trailer
- The target audience for the film
- Why you think the film promotion is successful

3) If you finish this, go back to each poster/trailer and add an analysis of the NCIS - Narrative, Character, Iconography and Setting.

If you have any problems or questions, feel free to pop next door and ask me.

Good luck!

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