Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Representation - questions to consider

Potential representations to consider:

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
How are young white female represented (Katniss)?Why?  Are traditional female roles subverted?
How are young white men represented? Why?
How is the political hierarchy and those in power represented (President Snow and his army)? Why?
How is THG a satire on real life (reality TV, materialism etc)? Why?

How is the white middle-class male hero presented? Is this representation conforming to other representations of white men in action films? Why?
How are females represented? Are the women being rescued by men? Why?
How are eastern-Europeans represented? Why are the human-traffickers Albanian? Why?
How is Europe represented? Remember, the film involves an American girl visiting Europe for the first time - is Europe presented as safe? Why? Why?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
How are teenagers represented? Why?
How are teenage boys represented? Are the boys traditional American teenage 'geeks' or does the film subvert this notion? Why?
How are females represented? Why?
How are white people represented? Why?
How is the gay character represented? Is he an outsider? Why?

The Wolf of Wall Street
How are American business men represented? Why?
How is the idea of the American Dream represented? Why?
How are the 1980s represented? Is the film critical of a certain mentality or way of life? Why?
How are black characters represented? Why?
How is the dwarf represented (person with a disability)? Why?
How is the USA represented?  Why?
How are women represented? Is the film sexist? Why?

How are females represented? Why?
Does the film subvert tradition gender roles? How is the Princess different to princesses in other Disney films? Why?
How are males represented? Why?
How are fairy tales represented? Why?

Blues is the Warmest Colour
How are teenagers represented? Are they accepting of their gay friends? Why?
How are lesbians represented? Why?
How is French society represented? Why?

12 Years a Slave 
How are black people represented? Is this a fair and honest portrayal of slavery? Why?
How are women represented? Why?
How are white men represented? Why?
Is it as simple as saying black people are represented as good and white people as bad? Why?

Django Unchanined
How are black people represented? Is this a fair and honest portrayal of slavery? Why?
How are women represented? Why?
How are white non-American represented? Why?
How are white men represented? Why?
Is it as simple as saying black people are represented as good and white people as bad? Why?

How is the traditional dysfunctional American family represented? Why?
How are black people represented? Why?
How are obese people represented? Why
How are women represented? Why?
How is disability represented? Why?
How is American life represented? Why?

How is a famous historical event represented? Has it been 'Hollywood-ised'?
How are men represented? Why?
How are women represented? Why?

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