Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Representation analysis: questions to consider

If you're struggling to write your paragraph analysing the representation of people or groups in your chosen trailer, use the questions below to help you.

  • How is the white middle-class male hero presented? Is this representation conforming to other representations of white men in action films? Why?
  • How are females represented? Are the women being rescued by men? Why?
  • How are eastern-Europeans represented? What might the fact the human-traffickers are Albanian suggest to the audience? 
  • How is Europe represented? Remember, the film involves an American girl visiting Europe for the first time - is Europe presented as safe? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.

  • How are women represented in the trailer? What specific examples can you provide from the trailer to support his? Are traditional female roles subverted?
  • How are working class people represented in the trailer? How are the middle or upper classes represented? Does this reinforce or challenge traditional stereotypes?
  • How are men represented in the trailer? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.

  • How are men represented in the trailer? Is this representation conforming to other representations of men in action films? Why?
  • How are females represented? What message might this send to the audience?
  • How is Britain or London represented? Is this a stereotypical representation of Great Britain?
  • How are European people represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How is social class represented in Spectre? Does it reinforce or challenge stereotypes about the British class system?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • How are teenagers represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are teenage boys represented? Are the boys traditional American teenage 'geeks' or does the film subvert this notion? Why?
  • How are females represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are white people represented? Is this typical? Why?
  • How is the gay character represented? Is he an outsider? Why?

The Wolf of Wall Street
  • How are American businessmen represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are women represented? Is the film sexist? Why?
  • How are the 1980s represented? Is the film critical of a certain mentality or way of life? Why?
  • How are black characters represented? Why?
  • How is the idea of the American Dream represented? Does it reinforce or challenge the stereotypical portrayal of America? Why? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.

  • How are females represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • Does the film subvert tradition gender roles? How is the Princess different to princesses in other Disney films? Why?
  • How are males represented? What examples can you provide to support his? 
  • How are fairy tales represented? Why?

Blues is the Warmest Colour
  • How are teenagers represented? Are they accepting of their gay friends? Why?
  • How are lesbians represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How is French society represented? Why?

12 Years a Slave 
  • How are black people represented? Is this a fair and honest portrayal of slavery? Why?
  • How are women represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are white men represented? What effect may this have on the audience?
  • Is it as simple as saying black people are represented as good and white people as bad? Why?

Django Unchanined

  • How are black people represented? Is this a fair and honest portrayal of slavery? Why?
  • How are women represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are white non-American represented? Why?
  • How are white men represented? Why?
  • Is it as simple as saying black people are represented as good and white people as bad? Why?

  • How is family represented? Is this a stereotypical dysfunctional American family? Why? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are black people represented? Use specific examples from the trailer to support your points.
  • How are obese people represented? Why
  • How are women represented? Why?
  • How is disability represented? Why?
  • How is American life represented? Is this the picture of American life we normally see in Hollywood films?

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