Friday, May 24, 2013

Writing in-role

To achieve the top levels in the exam, you need to respond to the brief in-role. This means pretending that you are pitching for a real job in the media. Using the wording from the brief will help you with this - and remember the original brief will be in the exam paper you are given. Try these sentence starters to help you:

• Firstly, thank you for taking the time to consider my pitch for the launch of Rhymix…
• I am excited about this opportunity to use my passion for (MUSIC GENRE) and contribute to this unique new venture
• I’d like to tell you about the ways that I will provide independent and informed comment on all that is trending in the (MUSIC GENRE) scene
• After conducting extensive focus groups and market research I have decided to include the following sections and content…
• Like Revolutionary Publishing, I believe it is important for the music press to create opportunities for fans to connect with bands and artists. My webpage will do this by…
• My page will provide opportunities for creative talent from all over the country to be seen and heard. My page will support new bands/artists whose talent and creativity deserve recognition by…

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