Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The ‘KE’ at the beginning of the
magazine title appears to be smashed
or broken. This is significant as the target audience for Kerrang magazine is specific to fans of rock and punk music. The fact that the letters appear shattered or cracked would appeal to this audience because rock and punk music has a reputation for being violent, aggressive and expressive. This idea is further supported by the central image, which shows the lead singer of an ‘up-and-coming’ punk band directly addressing the audience with an explicit and aggressive gesture. Punk music’s reputation for ignoring what people think of them is demonstrated in both the central image, and the broken type face of the magazine title. This aggression is part of Kerrang’s brand identity.

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to use this model paragraph to help with your own analyses of magazine front covers today...remember; I never ask you to do work I'm not prepared to have a go at myself! Happy blogging.
