Thursday, April 16, 2015

TV News Case Study 1: Channel 4 News

Our first TV News case study is Channel 4 News. The key details are:

Channel 4 News
Monday-Friday 7pm - 7.55pm

Answer the following questions on your blog. You'll need to watch an episode of Channel 4 News in order to complete some of these tasks - either watch at home or online.  

Opening titles:


Basic details

  1. When is Channel 4 News on?
  2. When was the programme first broadcast?
  3. What awards has the programme won?
  4. What is the media institution that produces Channel 4 News?


  1. Who are the presenters?
  2. What are the presenters wearing? What does this communicate to the audience?
  3. Why might a TV News programme use a variety of presenters?
  4. How are other reporters or presenters used in the TV News programme?
  5. Is there a balance between male and female presenters? What about race/ethnicity? What effect might these aspects have on an audience?

Opening sequence

Analyse the opening 2 minutes of the programme.

  1. What is the very first shot?
  2. How does the opening sequence use graphics or images to grab the attention of the audience?
  3. How is music used in the opening sequence?
  4. How are news stories introduced in the opening two minutes? Is there just one story or are the audience told what will be coming up later?

Studio mise-en-scene

  1. What aspects of the studio can be seen by the audience? (Desk, cameras etc.)
  2. Are the presenters standing or behind desks? Why do you think this is?
  3. Are journalists or technology visible? What might these things suggest to the audience?
  4. How does the studio use colour?

How news stories are presented

  1. How does the news programme typically present a story?
  2. What difference techniques does the programme use to present the news? (E.g. presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, graphics, images, video etc.)
  3. What types of news does the TV News programme typically cover? Give five examples (e.g. politics, international, sport etc.)
  4. Give two real examples of how news stories presented to keep the interest of the audience.

Running order
Watch the first 15 minutes of the programme – as recent as you can find.

  1. What is the top story?
  2. How long does the top story last for?
  3. What are the other stories the programme does or will cover? List them in the order they are presented in (the ‘running order’).
  4. How long is each story shown for?
  5. Why do you think each story was shown for the time it was?


  1. What is the target audience for this TV News programme? Research online – you should be able to find plenty of suggestions to the target audience if not the official target audience of the programme.
  2. Why might someone choose to watch this TV News programme over others?
  3. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or comment?
  4. What audience pleasures (Uses and Gratifications theory – Blumler and Katz) does the programme offer?


  1. Who owns, runs or produces this TV News programme?
  2. Does the institution own, run or produce any other TV News programmes, channels or newspapers?
  3. How does the programme fit the TV channel it is on?
  4. What role does OFCOM have in making sure TV News is fair and accurate?

TV News and New/Digital Media

  1. Does the TV News programme have a dedicated website?
  2. What does the website offer viewers?
  3. Does the TV News programme have a Twitter feed?
  4. How does the Twitter feed promote the programme?
  5. Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme or submit news stories?

Complete for homework anything you don't finish in the lessons. Due: Thursday 23 April.

1 comment:

  1. The tv is now a media for the society to be up date in news, events and even big storys
    watch Noticias de Series is just adictive.
