Tuesday, January 12, 2016


The Matrix is a classic Hollywood sci-fi which follows the story of Neo: a computer geek who is given the impossible choice between reality and the parallel universe which controls the version of Earth we mere mortals experience. I chose this film because I am a fan of science-fiction literature and film and I think the poster and trailer for the movie are particularly interesting. The Matrix was produced in 1999 and features Hollywood legend: Keanu Reeves (Neo) through the dark Underworld of our version of 'reality.' It was written and directed by the Wachowski brothers: Andy and Lana. The movie had a huge budget of $63million but generated a healthy $171million dollars in Box Office sales alone. It was one of the most successful films of the 1990s. It was distributed by Warner Brothers. The central image of the poster used to promote the film features Keanu Reaves, who is in the visual centre, holding a large automatic rifle and wearing a floor-length black, leather coat. The iconography of violence and science-fiction is reinforced by the secondary characters who surround Neo in the image. The fact that the main character wears dark glasses and appears to be looking beyond the camera towards a threat behind the viewer is particularly effective because...

The typography...
The title...
The production blurb...
The tag-line…
The colour scheme…
Direct address…

 '___________' is effective in promoting the film because...

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